Frequently Asked Questions


Can anyone do Aerial Yoga without previous knowledge or do you need experience in traditional yoga?
No prior experience is required. The fitter you are, the easier the exercises will be. The following athletic abilities are helpful: good coordination, strength and flexibility. Cardiovascular fitness hardly plays a role – just as in Hatha Yoga.

Who invented Aerial Yoga and what are the differences between the various schools and brand names?
At the beginning of the 21st century, various American artists developed the Aerial Yoga group training in the hammock. Although the bottom end of the vertical aerial silk was previously hung so that a U-shape was formed and children and non-professionals could do simple exercises, now a systematic group training had been created for the first time. One of those artists was Christopher Harrison, who owns the brand AntiGravity® Aerial Yoga. Other names and brands are Michelle Dortignac (Unnata® Aerial Yoga), Patricia Duchaussoy (formerly Yoga Fly® later rebranded as Body Fly®), Suspension Yoga, Sling Yoga etc. In the meantime, several German Aerial Yoga teachers have invented new names and sometimes have registered them as a brand. While some teachers may incorporate other techniques such as meditation or mantra canting, while doing less physical exercise, or even claiming to have developed a unique new style, the basic Aerial Yoga technique with U-shaped aerial silk hammock is always the same. In our teacher training course this technique is taught. If you compare Aerial Yoga teacher training courses, pay attention to the experience and qualification of the teacher, the size of the group, the quality of the manual as well as the participant’s feedback!
Aerial Yoga TV Documentaries,  Training Videos and Magazine Articles with Jost Blomeyer can be found in the menu “Media”. More videos are available in our YouTube channel.

Which parts of the body are exercised mostly in Aerial Yoga?
The torso and abdominal muscles are trained particularly well when you have to stabilize the loose suspension of the aerial sling with your muscles. This type of exercise is called functional sling training and is known by TRX Suspension Training®. Depending on the classes structure, the whole body can be trained in a balanced way with Aerial Yoga. Only the aerobic cardiovascular endurance is not specially trained. For this purpose, running, cycling or swimming are better.

What are the origins of Aerial Yoga inverted postures where the back can hang freely and relaxes?
The renowned Indian yoga teacher B. K. S. Iyengar, a pioneer of modern yoga, had the idea to suspend himself upside down from the pelvis. He attached two ends of a harness to a wall. The technique is the same as in Aerial Yoga. It reduces the pressure on the vertebral discs and the back muscles can relax. Afterwards you will feel three inches longer. Try it yourself and visit one of our Classes!

When are Aerial Yoga inversions not recommended?
If you suffer from one of the following conditions inverted postures are not recommended: Glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye), untreated very high blood pressure. Furthermore, if your doctor told you not to exercise.

Can I practice in Aerial Yoga when I'm pregnant?
Generally speaking exercise is healthy. It should be adjusted during the progressing pregnancy. For example, in Aerial Yoga, this refers to inverted postures or positions where the aerial sling lies on the front of the hip and could press on the abdomen. Simple exercises while standing or relaxing in a supine position are of course possible. If in doubt, ask your gynecologist. The recommendations of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists can be found here: Exercise during Pregnancy

What can you do if you get a bit dizzy from swings or spins?
If you are prone to travel sickness (kinetosis), you should do less rocking and turning. If you feel dizzy, it helps to look into the distance with your eyes on the horizon. It is even better to lie on your back and close your eyes, so that visual impressions are eliminated. Also sleep or ginger water help. Of course, there are also drugs for motion sickness. The over-the-counter travel sickness chewing gums and -tablets contain the active substance Dimenhydrinat. It acts both preventively and as a treatment of kinetosis. It does make you a little tired, though. Dizziness-free swinging and spinning can be trained by increasing the duration gradually. This is what acrobats and figure skaters do, so that the balance system gets used to it and adapts to it.

Can I practice Aerial Yoga Training when I am already a bit older?
Generally speaking exercise is healthy at any age, provided there are no pre-existing conditions that oppose it. In the open Aerial Yoga classes, the participant’s age ranges from about 15 to 80 years.

I have already bought an Aerial hammock, but the next yoga studio is so far away. Can I also learn Aerial Yoga from videos?
We advise you to take lessons from an experienced teacher. Although videos provide a good way to analyze the technique, they do not substitute for instruction by an expert. Often there are small details in exercises that are not apparent from photos or videos. These can make the crucial difference between an exercise that is effective and fun, or one that leads to injury in the worst case.

Where can I attend a class with Aerial Yoga teacher Jost Blomeyer?
You can attend open Aerial Yoga classes at Aspria Berlin Ku’damm or at Lokahi Loft. If you are not a regular member of these exclusive clubs you will need a day pass, which is available at the Aspria reception (Phone: +49 30 8906888-0) or at the Lokahi Loft reception (Tel. +49 30 8922080) as well as here Lokahi Loft Online Shop. A day pass includes the use of all services: unlimited class participation, sauna, towels, roof terrace etc. It is worth it! You do not need any previous Aerial Yoga experience. Here you will find the current Classes.

Do you need any previous experience in Aerial Yoga in order to participate in the Teacher Training course or can you take it as a newcomer as well?
You do not need any previous experience in Aerial Yoga. Usually there are always some participants who have not had any experience with Aerial Yoga or have only attended one or two classes. All exercises will be built up slowly and step by step. The level of difficulty will increase from day to day.

Which Aerial Yoga books can be read in addition to the classes?
Here is a selection of Aerial Yoga literatue in German and English:*
Aerial Yoga: Schwerelos glücklich: Grundlagen und Übungen für Einsteiger (Affiliate link)
Aerial Dance for Dancers – Hammock: Technique & Syllabus Level 1 (Affiliate link)
Beginner Aerial Silks Pose Guide – The Aerial Attitude (Affiliate link)
Aerial Yoga: The Low Fly Zone – The Aerial Attitude, Volume 2 (Affiliate link)
Beginners Guide to Aerial Silk (Affiliate link)
Intermediate Guide to Aerial Silk (Affiliate link)
Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to Strength, Flexibility, Training, and Injury Prevention (Affiliate link)
Soaring with the Soul: An Aerial Yoga Guide (Affiliate link)

*aerial-yoga.de, represented by Jost Blomeyer, is a participant in the Amazon EU affiliate program as well as in the Aliexpress affiliate program, which are designed to provide a medium for websites that earn advertising fees by placing advertisements and links to amazon.com respectively to aliexpress.com. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Is the 3-day teacher training course sufficient in order to start teaching Aerial Yoga?
Yes. During the training we will mostly do practical exercises. Every day, after a 90-minute led class, we will go through the class structure and exercises one by one. We will discuss the technique, the specifics of the exercises and how to instruct them best. The participants will practice teaching in groups of two or in the whole group and they will receive direct feedback. Once you understand the basic Aerial technique a lot of exercises will be just variations and thus easy to teach.
Prerequisite for participation, however is any form of former professional education in the field of sports/movement, e.g. yoga, aerobics, Pilates or gymnastics teacher, sports coach, dancer, acrobat, fitness instructor, physiotherapist or medical doctor. Preferably you should have some experience in teaching group training. You should be able to decide for yourself whether you have sufficient basic knowledge in areas such as anatomy, training theory and didactics. Please contact us, if you are in doubt or if you do not meet these requirements. We are happy to discuss with you if it is reasonable to attend our teacher training course.
(Chanting Sanskrit mantras, breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga asanas without the Aerial Yoga hammock will NOT be practiced during our teacher training course. During these three days, we will focus fully on exercises with the Aerial Yoga hammock.) More than 300 participants successfully completed our Teacher Training.

Why don't you offer aerial yoga online training?
Online training does have a few advantages: Participants can take part from anywhere and save travel and accommodation costs. Regardless of the training facility, the organizer can teach an almost unlimited number of participants and generate a high income.
At the same time, online training has a lot of serious disadvantages: When learning, the interaction between trainer and participants, between the participants and group dynamics play a major role. Good personal relationships help with learning. This relationship building is only possible to a limited extent via the screen; Non-verbal signals in communication are quickly overlooked. Physical training offered as an online training in addition has the following disadvantages: You only have one viewing angle and it is therefore more difficult to understand the three-dimensional movement in space on a screen. Partner exercises as well as hands-on corrections are not possible and in the worst case, a participant wrapped in the aerial yoga hammock cannot free himself from the position or even injure himself. For the reasons mentioned above, we only offer face-to-face training.

Do the teacher training courses always take place in Berlin or in other places as well? Usually the teacher training courses take place at least once a quarter in Berlin. Berlin is worth travelling to! Often there are additional dates, e.g. for courses in English or in-house trainings abroad. The open courses and venues can be found here: Teacher Training.
If you would like to train a whole group of teachers and have a suitable studio, we will gladly make you an offer for in-house training.

How old are the participants of the Teacher Training course approximately?
The average age of our more than 300 participants who have successfully completed the teacher training course is 43 years. Our oldest student was 70 years old, our youngest participant was 22 years old. In the open Aerial Yoga classes, the participant’s age even ranges from about 15 to 80 years.

Will I get a diploma after attending the Teacher Training course?
No, but a certificate. The diploma title may only be held in Germany if it has been awarded by a university or other college. Although some training providers title their certificates of participation sometimes “diploma” – which is permissible – if the owner of such a certificate uses this “diploma” title publicly, he makes himself liable to prosecution because he pretends to be have a university degree.
During the teacher training course, all participants will practice to teach in the group so that you will be able to teach the technique safely and with fun. Of course you will get a certificate of completion. But what really counts in the teaching profession is how well one can teach, one’s own personality, how one interacts with the students and their feedback.

Is it possible to offer Aerial Yoga as a prevention course (with subsidy from public health insurances) after the completion of the Teacher Training course?
We are currently not aware of any possibility to offer Aerial Yoga as a prevention course. Eligible for support are only classical Hatha Yoga courses with the focus on yoga as a relaxation technique. The prevention course guidelines of the public health insurances can be found at the central inspecting authority for prevention.

How can I sign up for an Aerial Yoga Teacher Training course?
Please send us the 2-page registration form (PDF), which you can find here by e-mail or printed by mail:
1. Download the form (with the date you want to attend) from our website and save it on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
2. a) Print the form on paper, complete it, sign it in the two places provided and then send it by post or take a picture and send it by e-mail.
2. b) Fill in the form on your mobile or computer, sign it in the two places provided, save it and then send it by e-mail. Depending on the device and operating system, you may need an app to fill in PDF forms.